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Father's Day at CWS

Writer: Tristan Nelson Tristan Nelson

Updated: Jul 18, 2019

My family is very low key when it comes to holidays and birthdays. We treat it like another day in this hectic life. One thing we usually always do is my father (Epic nelson) and I go to the CWS on father’s day. This time we met at the best hotel in Omaha for our tickets the Hotel Deco, I’ll share more about my opinion in a later sauce. We ended up getting club seats right behind home plate. The view and atmosphere couldn’t be matched on another day in the big O. it was the third game of this years CWS. Miss state was behind 4-1 all game long, they came back and scored 4 runs in the bottom of the 9th to win the game it was such a cool thing to witness and be apart of. I played baseball growing up, I will admit its not my passion but wow do I love going to the cws to people watch for 4 hours but most importantly slang some of the best lemonade this side of the Missouri river. The only other lemonade that competes is my old neighbor Kevin. He hand squeezes those lemons to perfection. I got a little side tracked but that’s what this sauce is for right? Happy Fathers day and happy early birthday to my dad on the big 50!



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